The novelist – chapter 7

  “Jalal I do not like her at all this whole place its weird, you are acting weird and she is well” He smiled looking at her his grin like a six year olds who had just discovered something he had never thought existed “Really zari sometimes you are really paranoid” She literally snarled her…

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Monsoon 012

  Its been really harsh waiting for rain in Karachi this year. This may have to do with the obvious concern brought by the last two years gigantic rainfall and the resulting floods which saw this city open its arms to those in strife around it in an effort the likes of which I at…

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A city on edge

Year after year in Pakistan we see the security situation drop another notch, a bit more of crime becomes acceptable and we go through our paces as if nothing is wrong with us or this society. This year the notorious activities of criminals in Karachi have gone up another level, as from the start of this holy…

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Fighting hunger one person at a time

Having done relief work for over two years now one thing has become plain to me, you have to focus on one thing and do it well. When the floods hit the first time round, we were all over the place providing food rations, cooked meals, tents, water proofing roofs, medicals camps, etc etc, we literally ran our selves and our group (SA…

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To stare or not to stare

  Pakistan has a bit of a problem, ok that’s the understatement of the year. Pakistan has a huge problem and it has nothing to do with guns or terrorists or politics or anything of that nature. No this problem is limited to our social behavior or perhaps we should call it lack of it,…

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As the crow flies – Nairobi part 2

Jambo is a word from swahili which is quite fascinating. There are languages in this world with different contexts and different meanings to the same words according to how they are pronounced. However I have on my travels yet to come across a word which changes its meaning according to the circumstances it is uttered in….

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As the crow flies – Nairobi

I have always imagined Africa to be a land far away.  Not because I had ever actually travelled there or looked up how far it was. Its just that Africa or the cradle of civilization as it is known seemed like a very mythical & exotic place, hence I suppose the mind as some sort…

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Mainstream vs social media media in Pakistan

In recent times after the leak of behind the scenes footage of a special on dunya tv and the creation of a  fake list of 19 journalists who had allegedly taken some form of bribe from Malik riaz,  a vast chasm of insecurity seems to have opened up in peoples minds about social media in…

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