Woman sets fire to penis

As if  lorena bobbit and her midnight snippings were not enough to set mens pulses racing a new chapter has been added to the infidelity journals of pain and punishment. An Australian woman Rajini Narayan upset because of her husbands infidelity doused his ummm…treacherous part in the middle of the night and set it on…

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Antulay resigns because he dared to ask?

Although this will only add to the hate mail I get from across the border since I started sharing my thoughts on the Mumbai tragedy, I cannot help but express my utter disgust at the way Union Minister A R Antulay has been treated. If India wants to be accepted as a true democracy rather…

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Stocking stuffers

Winter 08 has arrived here in Karachi in its full and frigid fury. The roads are deserted after about 6pm and thats a big deal here, this city hardly sleeps..even in these times. With the winter however has arrived more bad news in the form of Opec leaders just announcing records production cuts to cause…

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At first when i saw this pic I thought someone had photo shopped it to present a conspiracy theory. However I have checked up on this via the same pic being on BBC and AFP and zoomed in to confirm that this is actually a saffron armband being worn by the Militant who has been…

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How haraam is yoga?

We as a religion are not doing much for our namesake. I am speaking of the double edged sword that are “Islamic fatwas” Yes they may be used to bring a community together on a platform on an important issue but this power is often misused to really baffling results. Most people today know of…

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The new Coastguards

At first glance you dear reader would think I am perhaps doing a review of some new Baywatch type series full of babes and sand, however to my comic horror this is the name adopted by the newest menace on the face of this earth Somalian Pirates. Piracy has been a problem in Somalia for…

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Your honor she is not a virgin!!!

Muslims all over the world are part of the grand victem mentality.  Although a lot of sinister stuff does happen to and around us we tend to raise a hue and cry at anything seen as remotely challenging what we consider normal. This is why we do not fit in anywhere as immigrants, regardless of…

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