A look in the mirror

I have been one of the biggest critics of main stream media in Pakistan for a while now. It is because I feel that journalistic integrity in broadcasting in Pakistan is becoming extinct. Anchors are dong their best to drag anything and everything through the muck of sensationalism to achieve higher ratings. Obviously there are…

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Devils at your Door

A week back I was sitting in the waiting area of a popular pediatrician’s clinic with my 3 year old niece. This clinic is located in a very popular hospital in the Clifton vicinity and is always crowded. I was waiting and trying to entertain my niece who was very upset at being taken to…

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Rally for peace

Five score and thirty years ago a boy was born to a middle class family who had just moved from their first lodging in a new Pakistan (kharadar) to a more leafier suburb of Karachi. It had taken this family about 27 years to get into the position of owning the house they were moving…

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SWO & Unifem celebrate 16 days against domestic violence!!

These are testing times for women in Pakistan. The country ranks 106th out of 137 on the Gender-related Development Index and 66th out of 75 on the Gender Empowerment Measurement Index. Despite religious, constitutional and legal rights, women’s position in the society is weak. With each passing day, conditions are getting miserable as women are…

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Jaag mere talib – e – ilm protest in karachi

Oct 24th Saturday saw us, me and Dr Awab that is standing in front of a pleasant surprise. A small throng of students in front of the press club with banners, megaphones et all denouncing the Taliban with passion. They had a press release they were organized and they came from 4 different colleges and…

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Baluch sentiments?

The pic below was taken by a fellow blogger on her recent trip to Gawadar/Baluchistan. According to her, wall markings and graffiti like this are the norm in any area of Gawadar and the people often refer to Pakistan in conversations like “aap ke pakistan me to” Puts in perspective where Baluchi sentiments are? Would…

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The monster within

A few days ago I was standing at a signal on the junction of  Tariq Road and Bahadurabad when a few street urchins, all young approached my car window. After giving them what alms I could spare I watched in true horror as one of them, a girl around 9 strode over to the next…

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Relief Effort for Swat Part II

Blaggers are Pakistan’s version of  bloggers, people who are well versed in the latest tech tools and use it to market their own blogs around the web sphere. Some of these Pakistani bloggers are activists as well and are bringing about major social change by contributing towards relief efforts such as the ongoing one for…

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Relief effort for Swat Part I, Karachi

Ever since Pakistan launched a full out attack on the Taliban,  a massive displacement of people fleeing the war zone has taken place. So huge is the throng of families fleeing the affected area that it is tilll now the single largest displacement of people in Pakistan’s history. Yes, this is more horrible a displacement…

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