Baluch sentiments?

The pic below was taken by a fellow blogger on her recent trip to Gawadar/Baluchistan. According to her, wall markings and graffiti like this are the norm in any area of Gawadar and the people often refer to Pakistan in conversations like “aap ke pakistan me to”bal 2

Puts in perspective where Baluchi sentiments are?

Would like some feedback on this.

Credits : Un named blogger :p

  1. dont blame them. they have always gotten the short end of the stick. they are the biggest province, provide most of the natural resources and yet get shafted. The Fed Govt should not provide lip service. They should do something concrete to win them over.

  2. Why exactly do we have to be won over? The only thing keeping Balochistan in Pakistan’s map is the Punjabi military. Side with your own army, because we have made our decision.

    Hum le ke rahein ge azaadi

  3. whats actually sad is the number of opportunities the state has had to redress the issue. the baloch insurgency is not a 61 year phenomenon, but actually four seperate events. each intervening time, the state could have made amends. it chose not to. i hope we can solve this one, because i believe its possible. but whats more likely is that it never will, and if there is secession, everyone will blame india, the us and the jews.

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