Non perving 101

The world is shrinking is often a phrase we hear from users and experts of social media as more and more social networks keep springing up daily to enable us all to “connect” in different ways. There is however very little talk of the ethics of all this connecting business and what is a no…

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Playground for the middle aged

When Mark Zukerberg created Facebook with his pals in college, did he know that he was on the brink of something which would alter life to this extent around the world? Was he thinking of the possibilities this monster could have? Did he have any vision to how his so called coolest thing to do…

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Facebook murder?

Well it was bound to happen and I say this trying to be PC because I do have very strong reservations about Fbook and the effect it is having on people’s lives. It jst has too much power over its users and now it has driven an estranged husband in a recently seperated relationship to effectively…

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Facebook status gaffes

We are all addicted to these little updates and with the advent of the new face book layout we are even more hooked into what everyone is doing every second of their lives. Heck now we can even comment on each others updates and there are so many times I want to add the following,…

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Geekiness outdone

You wake up to the soft chime of your cell phone in the morning, before you open your eyes you fumble for the remote with one hand switching on the breaking news, its always breaking, its always happening. The other hand reaches for the piece de resistance in your life your digital corner stone, your…

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Are we raising Pussies or Men?

What is it about this everyday routine life that makes me get up in the morning? Has serendipity blessed me or has it stricken me with the virus? Not the virus that plagues me like a 24 hours HIV but the virus of honestly being addicted to a lifestyle and the idea that the everyday…

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Community Portals

A community portal is basically defined in various dictionaries and geek speak as a place where people of common interest gather virtually, to engage in activities and networking. In the recent years we have seen a huge rise in community portals in our country. So here is my take on the three major types in…

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