Indian jets violate pakistan airspace

Midnight here in Karachi 14.12.08 I am jarred awake by the beeping on my cellphone, another sms I think to myself as i look at the screen, but the next second I am reaching frantically for the remote instead of switching the phone off and going back to bed. The message reads “are we under…

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Eid ul adha 2008 (slaughter in gloom)

Tomorrow is Eid Ul Adha here in Pakistan or at least those parts of it that still follow the writ of our government. After going about the business of procuring the animals for the ritual slaughter we engage in every year at exorbitant prices I might add, I decided to take the clan out for…

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A dose of strategic courage?

Although it feels good that the England team is flying back to India as a whole unit to play the test series rather than abandon it due to the security situation, one cannot help but wonder just what it is that has made them suddenly so courageous. Looking back just a few months and the…

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KBM 08

Its not often that you attend an event where you get to meet people you actually want to meet. The Bloggers meet up 08 held on Dec 6th 08 was just such a place, organized very well by Badar Kushnood of google and Salaina Haroon of CIO it turned out to be a rip roaring…

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Stop blaming yourself!!!

In recent days I have been witness to a lot of hand wrangling in Karachi wherever I go whenever the current hottest topic of conversation the “Mumbai attack” comes up. Granted as citizens of this world it is our duty to stand with the Mumbaikars and the rest of India against these ghastly murderers, but…

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At first when i saw this pic I thought someone had photo shopped it to present a conspiracy theory. However I have checked up on this via the same pic being on BBC and AFP and zoomed in to confirm that this is actually a saffron armband being worn by the Militant who has been…

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I wish the intelligence had been different

Not many months to go now before Dubya walks out of the white house and ends perhaps the most hilarious and disasterous term of a U.S president ever. Everything that could go wrong did on his watch and only time will tell if the new “hope” has any chance of solving the problems left behind…

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Why thy hate?

I can truly understand the Indian governments reckless fingerpointing at us, because It considers Pakistan to be the ultimate bogeyman. It has no explanation for this serious lapse in security in their own city. It has no where else to go, no solution, no answer to what has just happened. It has managed to get…

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