The novelist – chapter 7

  “Jalal I do not like her at all this whole place its weird, you are acting weird and she is well” He smiled looking at her his grin like a six year olds who had just discovered something he had never thought existed “Really zari sometimes you are really paranoid” She literally snarled her…

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The novelist – chapter 6

Darika shuffled from the main door of her house to the porch end, her hands wrinkled with time resting upon the wood of the railing as she looked at the sky darkening and the sea tides rising like coiled serpents biting at the shoreline. She spoke in a whisper to the waves as if she…

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Of eclipses and reaction

This morning the world has just witnessed the longest solar eclipse of this century. It was best viewed from a small village in India called Taregna in the eastern state of Bihar, where it was visible for a full earth shaking 3:50 mins. Funnily enough the word Taregna in Hindi means counting stars, how appropriate…

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Silent rain dripping into the bottomless night.

Two figures walk in the dark night. The crunch of gravel defies the heavy stillness in the monsoon air. Crawling creepers outline vacant garages, their open doors resonate the echo of crickets in the lush surroundings.. The walls continue, on and on, the empty pitch black panels make them like gaping toothy smiles on the…

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The case of the exploding mangoes

The only fact in this book – is that General Zia’s plane took off , and crashed four minutes later. The rest is a delightful tale of fiction, with a humourous version of zia’s character, of the mangoes in the plane…the imagery is delightful, the author has painted many a vivid picture of army life…the…

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