Youth tech camp – Experiences

Participants of the youth tech conference in Islamabad show a lot of energy, enthusiasm and dedication on being part of this community of world wide learners. Here are some of their responses on what they have experienced so far :       All these technology related stuff that we get to learn it here in…

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Practical optimism

Recently, I had been going through the  website of Youth Parliament Of Pakistan which focuses on Youth in the country and Youth’s awareness education and training in the norms of politics and democracy in the country. Several initiatives relating to the education and training of the youth of Pakistan have been launched and are running successfully, in…

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A Christmas Journey

The petrol station is busy with office workers filling their cars and van drivers pumping in just enough fuel to get them through tomorrow. It is already dark, and the sulfurous lights cast a dull glow over the whole scene. Here, Christmas is cut price boxes of Quality Street and a two for one offer…

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