A bad example to follow

I know Tats is unhappy because she has put on weight. It’s always the same; the more miserable she is, the more she eats. So I know how unhappy she is before she even mentions it. And typically, she doesn’t mention it until we are almost out of time, but for once she cannot run…

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Goat cheese

We have scraped together supper from what is left in the fridge. Small, sweet tomatoes from our own greenhouse; the last few olives in the bottom of the jar; a week old loaf of bread; and three scrag ends of cheese.   I pick up the goat cheese and examine it, then put it down…

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If I could, I would take it all away. Everything. Your everyday life, my everyday life (well, in that there are caveats) to leave us standing on a blank canvass. I would make the ground, the players, the media centre, the other journalists, all fade slowly into a brilliant white emptiness.   I would wipe…

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Rain Story

  Rain is our element. I move from my desk to close the window, but instead I pause, listless, looking out over the used car lot outside. The rain is soft and smells of greenness, giving the lie to the scents of tarmac and diesel that normally pervade this space. It takes me away from…

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Silent rain dripping into the bottomless night.

Two figures walk in the dark night. The crunch of gravel defies the heavy stillness in the monsoon air. Crawling creepers outline vacant garages, their open doors resonate the echo of crickets in the lush surroundings.. The walls continue, on and on, the empty pitch black panels make them like gaping toothy smiles on the…

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Jagged blurry lines

A story foretold has come unwrit, Many a woven tale has come undone, Shattered bangles scar wrists in star shaped crimson bloom, Reminiscent of the night, when two hearts become one… Unravelled seams leave heartache abound, Sob rise, and choke – there is no sound. Hot molten tears prickle behind eyes burning bright, The reel…

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Hoping against hope

By Z.S In life, there aren’t any guarantees. One lives on hope ,hoping against hope at times. Surprises are all the more sweet especially when, if you were hoping against hope that something would happen, and suddenly, it does… Its sort of a war going on between the heart and the mind. You think -she’ll…

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  How many words can you fit into one glance? Sometimes, all the words you need to say. A moment, in the middle of a perfectly ordinary conversation, becomes loaded with intimacy and significance. Especially if it is a moment where you reach a point of understanding.   We were half working, half chatting at…

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Learning to live with oneself

Many people in life fall into the repetitive pattern of self destruction. They go from one relationship to another, trying to find love and peace and sanity. What they dont realise is, they end up going from an ok relationship, and jump into a bad relationship, in the desire to belong – hence compromising on…

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Marriage Mania

by Amna Saleem The country has an excessive excitement; a mania for marriages. Did you observe how much people stress on it since the birth of an innocent child, more specifically girls *sniff*? Parents begin to lose sleep at the birth of their baby girl as they think about the expenses they would have to…

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