Baitullah Mehsud is dead? updated

As people scramble in the mad rush of last minute chand raat shopping news has just arrived that the Emir of the Tehrik E Taliban in Pakistan “Baitullah Mehsud has passed away”.

Apparently he was suffering from high blood pressure and kidney problems for a while. Will the Tehrik E Taliban now scatter or will another Mehsud emerge from the ranks? Is this a blessing in disguise for this land on the day of Eid

Updates to follow as the story unfolds.

Update : It is now confirmed that Mr Mehsud is indeed dead and his death is a result of kidney failure, he was 34 years old and the head of the Tehrik E Taliban in Pakistan.

Further Update : Currently it is still again under speculation whether Mehsud has indeed died. Some sources say he is in a coma and seriously ill some say he has expired and the Tehrik E Taliban are not willing to admit it to stop infighting. Till now there is no certain proof as in a body to identify that Baitullah Mehsud is indeed dead, will update upon confirmation.


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