Disaster at wah ordinance factory

Twin suicide bombers struck the Pakistan Armies largest ordinance complex today. There are about 70 people dead and many more are injured.

Two suicide bombers exploded themselves at the gates of this highly sensative complex  just as the workers were coming out to go home. Thank god they did not get inside or it would have been total chaos. Not that its any better now but I shudder to think what the result of a bomb going off inside the largest ammunition factory in Pakistan would have meant.

Something has to be done to stop these militants now, if the Army’s top installations are not safe what chance do the rest of us have? To hell with a diplomacy lets go in after these people and get them now!!!


Maulvi Omar of the Tehreek I Taliban in Pakistan led by Baitullah Mehsud claimed responsibility of this attack for his organization and said similar attacks would also be carried out in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Mardan, Bannu, Kohat and Swat.

At this time Intelligence agencies have arrested three people among them two aborted suicide bombers who’s suicdie vest were found from a neabery mosque and another from a public toilet and the third being a coverup for the culprits.


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