24 hours plus load shedding

“salam, KESC?”

“yes madam”

“We haven;t had electricity since 2 pm Yesterday.. it is now 12 30 pm today!’ – when can we expect electricity?”

“Madam, there is a fault in the line, and your area is next in our list of priorities – as soon as your loadshedding time gets over..”

“what? you mean to say that you;ve cut our electricity for TWENTY TWO hours..and you’re still putting us through load shedding?”

“yes, ma’am.. when your load shedding time is over, we will send out technicians to fix the fault.. – goodbye:”

We looked at the phone incredulously…this is ridiculous…

…. but the lights did eventually return at 2 30 pm…..

isnt this insane!?


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