The global game of power

The world has watched in jubilation the scenes of revolution in Tunisia, Egypt and Bahrain over the last few weeks. In each instance, the populace of the country in question has peacefully demanded change and has managed to achieve it, either in the shape of a change in government or concessions being made by ruling…

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New World Order Part II

[youtube=] Watch this before it gets pulled. This video outlines the plan for the new “North American Union” all set to wage economic war against the “European Union” and the soon to be created “Middle East union”. One army, one bank and one government, this is what the illuminated ones want. The events have been…

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A New World Order

In the last 10 years or so we have all watched in horror as disaster after disaster has struck the world. The events I am referring to are mostly man made ones which have left an indelible mark on our history and our conscience, they have also lead to a change in the very thought…

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