Why I got an S4 and went back to an Iphone
So it happens to be that my I5 was  taken from me at gunpoint before Ramzan Eid, quite a common occurrence in this neck of the woods mind you & so i thought i should now give the S4 a whirl as I had been hearing great things from friends about it for a while….
The Bhc social stream
The tasks of high commissions and embassies in foreign countries is usually to improve strategic ties with the host country, process messages in between governments and to look after consular services of its citizens based in the home country and visa services  for people who wish to visit the consulates home nation. Therefore consulates in…
Citizen journalism today
Duddoo & dhobi rawks
As a parent bringing up two kids in Karachi, Pakistan and being someone who uses technology in any sphere of life possible, it was really hard for me to go through the parenting process without being able to provide educational tools for my kids on the various devices that we as a family possess. My son for…
Socialmediamela2012’s photostream
Socialmediamela2012’s photostream on Flickr. The SOCMM12 social media melas photostream was snapped by Tapu javeri, Ali khursid, Fursid & me. Was proud to organize and work with this team..see the results for yourself
Playground for the middle aged
When Mark Zukerberg created Facebook with his pals in college, did he know that he was on the brink of something which would alter life to this extent around the world? Was he thinking of the possibilities this monster could have? Did he have any vision to how his so called coolest thing to do…
Twitter 101
At first, there was only Facebook, the be-all and end-all of social media in Pakistan. You had to set up an account. It was a privilege; putting up all those updates and being part of a class of the country which was digitally aware – an outlet for the silent majority, as they were often…
Social media circus
When we come across the term social media in mainstream media, it is always being trumpeted as a ground breaking leap that is altering the connected human conscience. But the question remains: how many Pakistanis use it properly? By social media, I mean the entire gamut of blogging/Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin, etc in case you are wondering or are…
Smart or not
I remember the moment quite clearly. I was completely lucid and walking past a shop which had funny looking bulky cellphones with lots of buttons, displayed with colourful banners. This was a time in life when looking at my Nokia’s blue screen made me feel a bit smug. However my carrier had just launched something…