The ICC has finally taken the right decision today, that is to let the Champions Trophy stay in Pakistan instead of moving to an alternate venue. The ICC had to take a decision in this regard because although the last few months has seen Pakistan holding a successful Asia cup with 0 problems, players from teams such as Australia, England and South Africa were still not convinced over traveling here and playing cricket amidst such security fears.
Sadly security is not just a problem that plagues Pakistan. the last big and proven terrorist attack happened right smack in the middle of London so why is it that teams have no problem touring their while they think they will never make it out of Pakistan alive? Are we to believe London is safer than Karachi from a terrorist attack? The probability of it happening here may be more but that does not mean it is going to happen?
I personally think this difference is the difference between perception and reality. First of all yes Pakistan does have security issues, yes it can be a dangerous place for anyone but so can any other country in the world today. Terrorism is a global and not local phenomenon these days as illustrated by my above example so what exactly can the PCB do aside from providing VVIP presidential security to the visiting teams?
I think it is time we do something to change the perception of visiting teams. Foolproof security should be arranged yes but take them out for a tour of some of the better known spots of say Lahore or to a beach in Karachi, surround them with machine guns if that makes them feel safe but let them mingle a little with the local populace instead of making them sit in their hotel rooms all day. Our cities have theater, music, cinemas, golf and fine dining. Show them a little of our positive side for gods sake! If we can do just a little bit of this perhaps we will see more than one team agreeing to tour here.
In september we the fans of cricket in Pakistan and the rest of the people in this country should make it a point to welcome the incoming foreign teams, even if their will be some names missing it seems, with a show of what is tradition for us. All around genuine hospitality and one hell of an attitude for fun!
To the players who will opt to stay out all I can say is “tough luck” cause with the 8 teams participating this is going to be one hum dinger of a contest. Plus i really fail to understand how you thought Sri Lanka was a safer alternate to Pakistan with regards to security anyways?
Enough is enough, its time to lay aside our differences and let the games begin!!!
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