The Karachi Zoo

Children they say always speak the truth. Mainly because at their age their minds are not influenced by anything worldly so they speak what they think and rightly so. Just a few days ago my daughter who is 4 at this time spoke to me about her recent school organized field trip to the Karachi zoo.

Before she was going i had told her, about how i used to go with my dad to the zoo when i was young and feed the ducks and ride on the elephant and so forth. It really is something to relate ones own childhood joys to your own child, you get excited when they are excited and so on. However she came back from the zoo and when i sat down at night with her (yes we have daily talks) she related to me some horrible facts about the current state of our zoo in Karachi.

She says the elephant is dead and so are the giraffes, the ducks are there but the pond is so filthy you cannot see anything in the water. That the monkeys and a few other animals are present and still alive but in such a condition that according to her they have not taken a bath for days. She also told me in a very serious tone that the whole zoo is full of trash, no one throws anything in the dustbins there and it is very very dirty. She claims this is why all the animals are dying because of the trash.

So here i am wondering, if a 4 yr old gets it…why do not the rest of us? what is the point of having a zoo when all the animals are dying? what is the point of it!!

  1. AOA Faisal!
    I am really glad to see you having a happy life with your family. I have found your writing truly incredible and am now a big time fan of your blog. I just wanted to get your permission if i can republish few of your blogs that i might like to share with my readers with all the credits to you. I mean it wont be a copy paste effort rather i would like to make sure that you get the credit for it. I have already placed your blog on my blog roll but still i feel that a lot of my readers might be missing what you write.
    It is at your decision and in case you don’t permit me, i wont copy it.
    M Junaid Khan

  2. Wouldn’t it be better for the authorities to just shut the zoo down and convert it into a park? At least they won’t be torturing animals.


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